With a verified teacher account on Code.org, one has access to additional materials not found under a regular teacher account.
Code.org’s CS Discoveries, CS Principles, and CSA courses offer additional materials for Code.org teachers that have become verified teachers.
These materials include...
- Student assessments and surveys
- Example solutions and answer keys
- The ability to leave feedback for students on levels
- Teaching tips
How do I become a verified teacher?
You can become a verified teacher by:
- Attending Code.org Professional Development workshops for our CSD/P/A courses - This process should happen automatically once you've attended Professional Development. Note: That completing self paced professional learning courses does not lead to automatic verification. OR:
- Being manually verified as an teacher - If you have not gone through our Professional Development, you can apply to become verified by filling out this form. We manually review each response - this process takes on average 1 business day. You will receive an email once you are verified successfully. Please review the form carefully top-to-bottom, as many fill out the form incorrectly and we can't verify them. If you don't hear back from us after a few business days, contact us at verification@code.org!
How can I check to see if I am verified?
At the top of your Account Settings page, you will see a green check mark with the words "Verified Teacher" if you have been verified. If you do not see that, you haven't been verified yet.
Can I teach the course even if I am not verified yet?
For CSP and CSD, yes! You (and your students) can access all of CS Principles and CS Discoveries courses and associated lesson plans, even if you are not a verified teacher. You just won’t be able to access certain materials like solutions / answer keys, or administer any locked surveys or assessments. Being verified is required to access CSA at all (and to be able to assign it to your students), as a security measure. Learn more about how we prevent Code.org from becoming a Botnet by requiring verification for CSA.
I've already been verified for CSP/D, do I need to apply for verification again to access CSA?
Nope! Anyone already verified for CSP/D is automatically granted access to the new CSA course and all associated materials within.
I already submitted my form for becoming verified, so why am I not verified yet?
We carefully review each submission to the form, to ensure verified access isn't given to students. If you've filled out the form and a few business days have passed, please email us at verification@code.org and we can investigate.
Can students become verified teachers?
No. The goal of having verifying teachers is making sure only users who are truly teachers have access to teacher-only content like answer keys and locked lessons. If you ever suspect a student of yours to have fooled us or somehow gotten access to a verified account, please email us ASAP at verification@code.org!
Note: For CSA, teachers must assign the CSA course to their class section for students to be able to run code in Java Lab.