Below you will find a list of categories that may result in your project being removed from our site. Please review the, 'Restrictions on Content and Use of the Services' section of our terms of service for more information.
If a project is created and includes the following, your project will be removed from the site:
Category | Subcategories |
Chat/ Community Projects |
- The ability to chat/ speak to other users - Redirect users to a chat platform outside of - Asking other users to post a project that includes the ability to chat |
Discriminatory | - Graphic, verbiage, audio |
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) |
- Images of one's self or selfies - Asking other for personal information (i.e. address, first and last name, phone number, etc.) - Display one's own personal information (i.e. address, first and last name, phone number, etc.) - Redirect users to personal social media or another person's social media page |
Violence |
- Gore - Weapons |
Copyright Content |
- Music - Images |
Sexually Explicit Content | - Graphics, verbiage, audio |
Profanity | - Graphics, verbiage, audio |
Threats |
- Threatening another person - Threatening self - Threatening animals |
Cyberbullying |
- Graphics, verbiage, audio - Any project created to bring intentional hurt or harm to another person |
Solicitation |
- Asking others for money, goods, or services - Asking users to enter sensitive card information |
Drug References |
- Graphics, verbiage, audio |