Students under 13 will receive a message regarding age restrictions if they are signed into an account that is not a part of any teacher's section.
The message looks like:
This content has age restrictions in place and is not available for younger students.
Students will need to join a teacher's section to clear up this age restriction message.
Students can see what sections they are enrolled in (if any), from the bottom of their homepage.
Please have any affected students sign into their accounts again, then have them take a look at this area of the homepage to see if they have your section and your name listed there. If not, they can find a text field in this same area to enter the 6-character code for a section of yours to join it.
This text field also functions the same as, for future reference! Once part of a section, students can access 100% of the content on the site, regardless of age restrictions.
For more questions, please reach out to