For information on assigning a course to your section, check out this article.
Note: We currently do not support a method to have multiple courses assigned to one section. If you assign a Hour of Code tutorial to a section, that will override the current course assigned. However, that will not override any progress your students have made in the course.
If you would like to reassign the current course in one of your sections...
- Click the gear icon in the row for that section, from your section dashboard
- Then select 'Edit section details'
- You will then select the Hour of Code tutorial from the 'Select course' drop down menu in the 'Course' section
It may be best to take note of what course, curriculum year, and current unit each section is in, before changing to an Hour of Code tutorial.
After your Hour of Code event, you are welcome to swap the course back to the one each section was working on.
Note: Only tutorials hosted by will be found in the 'Select course' list.