We currently do not support a method to have multiple courses assigned to one section, or for selective assignment per-student within a section.
While only one course/ unit can be assigned to a section at a time, the course that is assigned to a section is only the first that students will see when they log in. The assigned course isn't the only course they have access to - which is a frequent point of confusion!
If you want students to be able to see and work on any other course, there are several routes they could take:
- Have your students visit the course catalog to select the course
- Have them type in the URL for the desired course
- Assign the desired course to the section
Then have the student finish just one level in that desired course. Once students finish at least one level in any course, that course will permanently "stick" to their homepage for easy access going forward.
Example: If you have Course C assigned, but want a few students to work on Course B, they can do so at any time by typing in the URL of that course.
Alternatively, they can find it through the course catalog. There's a link to the "Course Catalog" atop the homepage for all students and teachers. They only need to do this once, as after they finish one level in Course B or any others, it will permanently appear on their homepage for easy access going forward - regardless of whether or not it is assigned.
You as the teacher can change the course you're viewing progress for in your 'View Progress' tab by changing the dropdown list on the left side to any other course. This will show you how your students are doing in courses other than the one assigned. Changing the course assigned will only change what students see first when they log into your section - it is not a definitive constraint as to what courses students do or don't have access to.