You can add and edit students' family names on the Roster tab of your section's teacher dashboard.
Note: *New* students synced from Google Classroom or Clever will automatically sync student family names. Students with existing accounts will not be automatically updated.
When adding students, you can either enter student family names manually in each student row...
...or add multiple students via the "Add multiple students" feature, which will let you type or paste the display names of your students, one per line. Optionally, you can include their family name after a comma on the same line.
You can also edit students' family names by clicking on the "Edit" option from the dropdown menu at the end of each student's row:
Or by clicking on the "Edit all" option from the gear menu at the top right of the table:
Once you add last names to your students' accounts, you will be able to sort by last name in the following places:
1. On the Progress Table (the left-most tab on the section dashboard). From the "Sort by" dropdown menu above the left side of the table, simply choose "Family Name".
2. On the Teacher Panel (visible on the right side of the screen when you are viewing student work on any level). From the "Sort by" dropdown menu, simply choose "Family Name".
Overall, we hope that this feature will save you time when evaluating student work, since most gradebooks are organized by last name. We will be working to improve and expand this functionality; please let us know at if you have any questions or feedback!