Some students under the age of 13 may need parental or guardian permission before they can create or use a account that uses a personal login (username & password) or is connected to Facebook.
Clever, Canvas, and Schoology accounts - as well as Google Classroom and Microsoft accounts that belong to a section do not require parent permission.
To avoid classroom participation delays caused by waiting for consent - for classes that have any children under 13, we strongly recommend that you create accounts for students using picture passwords or secret words.
Obtaining Consent for Existing Accounts
If an existing account needs parental or guardian consent, students will be asked to supply with their parent or guardian email when they first login. If you signed up using your own email address on behalf of your child, you may enter your own email in this field.
Once a parent or guardian email address has been provided, parents or guardians will receive an email asking for consent. Please note that parent or guardian emails will ONLY be used for consent purposes and will never be marketed-to or sold.
If students don't know their parent or guardian's email address right away, they can click on the warning banner on their dashboard to provide the email later.
If students need to edit the parent/guardian email address, or resend the email, they can do so from their account settings page.
Teachers may also see a warning banner, if there are students within their sections that need parent or guardian consent to continue using
Obtaining Consent for New Accounts
Students using a personal login may see the following screens when logging in for the first time.
The first screen asks students to provide a parent or guardian email for permission. Please note that parent or guardian emails will ONLY be used for consent purposes and will never be marketed-to or sold.
The next screen persists consent is provided. Here a student can resend the consent email or update the consent email address.
Below is an example of the consent request email parents or guardians may receive:
Clicking the blue button will lead parents to this confirmation screen:
Obtaining Consent for Linked Accounts
Some students may require parental or guardian permission to add a personal username and login to their account, or connect to a new authentication provider (e.g. Facebook). For these students, a consent modal will appear on their account settings page.
At we take student privacy extremely seriously. For a full disclosure on our approach to privacy, please visit our privacy policy here.