As a teacher, you can view students' login information, print that login information for your entire section, or generate a PDF with a single student's login information from the Roster page of the Teacher Dashboard. Read on to learn how.
You can also download a CSV (spreadsheet) of student usernames and passwords for secret word and picture accounts. Teachers can also download all of their students’ login information into a single CSV. This makes it easier to copy and paste your students' usernames and passwords into an email or use mail merge to send emails with login credentials directly to your students or their parents. See below for details.
For parents at home who need their students' login info: Please contact your student's teacher to get their login info directly.
Can I just send an email directly to my students from that contains their password?
Since all students' email addresses are automatically encrypted for their privacy, we do not offer a method on our site for emailing or messaging students' login info directly to students.
However, as a teacher, you can generate a PDF for a single student's login credentials and email that to your student's parents from your school email account (see "Print or email login cards for an individual student" below). You can also copy and paste sign in information for a student into another email you already plan to send to parents (see "View student login information" below).
View student login information
To view student login information for your class, do the following:
- After logging in, from your Teacher Home page, tap the name of one of your sections in your Classroom Sections area to go to the Teacher Dashboard for that section.
- Navigate to the 'Roster' page of that section
- Within the "Roster" tab, you should a list of all of your students that are members of that section.
- If your class is set up with either word or picture passwords, you can click on the "Show secret" button for a single student to see their 'secret word' or 'secret picture' password.
- If your class uses student email and password combinations to sign in, you will not be able to see students' passwords on the Roster page.
- If you are a verified teacher, you can reset their password for them by clicking the 'Reset password' button. Note that passwords need to be a minimum of 6 characters.
- If your class is set up with either word or picture passwords, you can click on the "Show secret" button for a single student to see their 'secret word' or 'secret picture' password.
Print or email login cards for an individual student (secret word and picture password accounts only)
If an individual student has forgotten their password, or you need to email out sign-in instructions to individual students, you can generate a PDF of a single student's login information that you can print or email to them.
Please note: This feature only works for sections that have 'secret word' or 'secret picture' passwords.
To generate a single student's login information:
- Go to the Roster page (follow instructions above in the "View Student Login information" section)
- Find the student you want to generate login information for, and tap the downward arrow to the right of the student's name. Choose 'Print login card' from the menu that appears.
- This will open a separate tab in your web browser that contains a login card for that student. The 'Print' dialog for your browser will be open.
- From the 'Print' dialog, you can choose to print that single login card, or look for the 'Print to PDF' or 'Save to PDF' option in the print dialog to save this page as a PDF.
- Once you've saved the PDF to your computer, you can email it to your student or their parent as an attachment.
- TIP: If you don't see this separate tab open when you click 'Print login card,' check to make sure your pop-up blocker isn't stopping the new tab from appearing.
NOTE: If you don't need to send the entirety of the login card, you can also tap 'Show secret' for the individual student to reveal their password, and then copy and paste that password into an email to them.
Print cards for the entire class (secret word and picture password accounts only)
You can print student login information onto cards for all students in your class / section at once.
- This will create a single PDF with multiple login cards per page of the PDF. You can print this PDF and cut out the cards to distribute to your students.
- We recommend using this option if you'll be seeing your students in-class and can hand these cards out individually to them in person.
- Please note: This feature only works for sections that have 'secret word' or 'secret picture' passwords.
To generate student login information cards for your whole section at once:
- Go to the Roster page (follow instructions above in the "View Student Login information" section)
- Tap the "Print login cards" button at the top of the page.
- NOTE: You can also scroll down the page and look for the link that says "Print out cards with your students' log in information." This will be below the list of students in the section.
- Tapping one of these entry points will open a separate tab that includes the login cards for each student in your section in a single pdf. You can choose to print these or save them as a PDF using your browser's controls.
Download a CSV (spreadsheet) of all students usernames and passwords (secret word and picture accounts only)
You can download a CSV (spreadsheet) that contains the username and passwords of all students in a secret word or picture section. This will make it easier to copy and paste your students' usernames and passwords into an email or use mail merge to send emails with login credentials directly to your students or their parents.
To download the CSV:
- Go to the Roster page (follow instructions above in the "View Student Login information" section)
- Scroll down the page and look for the "Set up your class" header. Below that header, will be a link to "Download CSV." Tap that to download the CSV