If you are a teacher and you want to clear your own progress on a free response or multiple choice level, you can now do so directly in the instructions panel itself, using the "Delete Answer" button. This is an instructor-only feature.
We have heard from teachers that this is useful if you are demonstrating these types of levels in front of the class, as you can clear your answer for the next class's demo.
Note that you must have clicked the Run button and subsequent Reset button in the app pane on the left in order to reset your answer for "Make a Prediction" levels.
For any other resetting of progress, contact us here, and provide info on these two points:
- The exact usernames (or email addresses) under the student account(s) where you want progress to be reset. Students must be enrolled in a section you own.
- Student usernames can be found from the "manage students" tab in any section of yours
- If you want progress reset in your own teacher account, just let us know the email address or username under your account instead
- The specific course(s) and their yearly versions (if applicable) you want their progress to be reset in.
- Such as, "CSD Unit 3 (2021-22)" or "Course F (2019-20)"
Before requesting a reset, please note:
- Only an entire course's worth of progress can be cleared (not select lessons within)
- Resetting of progress cannot be reversed.
- Resetting will result in all progress bubbles that were previously filled in getting reset back to their original, unfilled/blank state.
- Any code written for that course will be deleted, resetting all levels to their original state.
- Any feedback you left the student in that course will be cleared.
- Resetting will remove the course tile from the user's homepage (studio.code.org/home)
- Once the user completes any one level in that course again (or any course), that course tile will appear on your homepage again, and remain there unless you request another progress reset.
Questions? Contact us here!