Running Programs
Unlike App Lab and Game Lab, programs in Java lab are run on a server supported by for free. In order to keep attackers from abusing this free service, only enables verified teachers and students in their sections to run programs in Java Lab. If you are a teacher, visit How do I get a verified teacher account? (for CS Principles, CS Discoveries, and CSA) to learn how to become verified.
If you are a student, please talk to your teacher to make sure they are verified and you are in one of their sections. There are certain situations when may have detected that an account may be attempting to abuse our Java service, and will disable running programs for their section. If you believe this has occurred to your section erroneously, please contact us and someone will assist you in unlocking your section.
Sharing & Remixing Projects
We do not support sharing or remixing of any Java Lab projects at this time. We are working on adding this functionality in a future update.
Setting Up Code Review
Since code review enables a direct way for students to interact, we've provided multiple controls for teachers to use to manage this activity in the classroom. Sometimes these controls can make it unclear why code review is disabled for one or more students. To ensure a student has code review enabled, ensure that in the "Manage Code Review Groups" dialog:
- The "Enable Code Review" toggle is enabled
- The student is in a group (i.e. their name is in a group on the right side of the dialog)
- The peer student who created the project needing review is in the same group
If you need to make changes, don't forget to click the "Confirm Changes" button. If the groups are set up correctly, the student should now see the peer student's name in the "You have projects to review..." dropdown menu in the "Review" tab for the project.
Disabled Editing
When a project is in code review, editing is disabled while the student's peers provide feedback. To re-enable editing of the project, click the "Close Review" button in the "Review" panel.