How do I change my student account to a teacher account?
If you currently have a student account that needs to get updated to a teacher account, you can do so from your Account Settings page, as long as you're not currently a student in another teacher's section. We do not allow students in a teacher's section to update their account, in order to prevent misuse of this functionality.
Once you've made sure you are not in any teacher's section, follow these steps to update your account:
- Sign into your account
- Go to your Account Settings page
- Scroll down to the near the bottom of the accounts page and look for a section that says "Account Type." It will look like this:
- Select "Teacher" in the dropdown and hit "Update Account Type."
- You will see a dialog that asks you for your primary email address as this is required for teachers. Fill out the dialog and hit "Update to teacher account." You should now have a teacher account!
Checking if you're in a teacher's section
You can check if you're in a teacher's section by signing into your account, going to your homepage, and scrolling down until you see a section called "Classroom Sections." Here, you should see a list of classroom sections you're in. If you don't see any sections listed, that means you're not in any sections. If you do see a section listed, you will need to contact them and ask them to remove you from their section. Unfortunately, we do not allow students to remove themselves from a teacher's section.
How do I change my teacher account to a student account?
If you currently have a teacher account that needs to get updated to a student account, you can do so from your account settings page as long as you don't currently manage any sections. If you have sections, you must first delete them before you can become a student.
Once you've made sure you don't manage any sections, follow these steps to update your account:
- Sign into your account
- Go to your Account Settings page
- If you see a banner to update your accounts page, go ahead and click the "Try New Version" button.
- Scroll down to the near the bottom of the accounts page and look for a section that says "Account Type." It will look like this:
- Select "Student" in the dropdown and hit "Update Account Type." You should now have a student account!
Checking if you currently manage any sections
You can check if you manage any sections by signing into your account, going to your homepage, and checking if you have anything listed under "Classroom Sections." If you do, you will first need to delete these sections before you can change your teacher account to a student account. Learn more about how to delete sections here. Please note that you will need to fully delete these sections - simply archiving them will not be enough.
If you do not see the option to upgrade your account type:
This means you are in at least one teacher's section. You need to contact them to have yourself removed from the section. Visit your homepage ( and scroll to the bottom to see all of the sections you are in, along with the teacher's name who made the section, and its 6-character code.
Once you are not in any sections, you will see the option to upgrade your account back on your Account Settings page! You can then rejoin the sections you were removed from by visiting to enter the section's 6-character code to rejoin it.