Here's a new video walkthrough on viewing student progress, hosted by Aryanna!
What is the teacher dashboard?
The teacher dashboard contains a variety of tools for checking on and evaluating student work, as well as managing the students in a particular class section or viewing curricular materials. You can use the teacher dashboard to view progress for students in your class sections.
You can access data for a class section by going to your homepage ( and clicking on the name of a class section in the “Classroom Sections” table.
When you’re viewing data for a class section, you can switch between class sections using the "Class Sections" dropdown in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
How can I see an overview of my class’ progress?
When you’re viewing data for a class section, click the “Progress” option on the left-hand sidebar to view student progress in the current class section. The Progress page shows how individual students are progressing through a unit or course (in this case, Music Jam 2024).
You can view student progress for entire lessons:
Or look at student progress on individual levels:
To change the granularity of the view between lessons and levels, click on the lesson number in the progress table to expand the view.
You can use the key at the top of the page to learn what a particular symbol means. Click on "More Details" to read more about these symbols.
You can view the time spent on each level and the date the student last worked on the level by clicking on the student's name on the left-hand side:
To view or hide the time spent and last updated data for all students at once, use the options in the More Options button located above the Progress table.
How can I see progress for a single student?
In the old "Dashboard View" you can also click on a student's name in the progress view to see a more detailed view for their progress in a given course, down to each level (each indicated by a colored bubble).
What do all the shapes and colors on the progress tab mean?
Solid green or solid purple shapes ( and
) mean a student believes they’ve completed a particular level or lesson.
Please note:
- In some CS Fundamentals lessons, many levels are auto-validated for correctness. Those levels will turn a solid green when completed correctly.
- Programming activities in most CS Discoveries and CS Principles lessons are not auto-validated for correctness (why?), but we do perform a basic check on Game Lab, Web Lab, and App Lab levels to ensure that students have at least changed the code on the level before proceeding. In these courses, we recommend reviewing “assessment opportunity” levels (marked with purple checkmarks) to determine whether or not students understand the key concepts of a lesson rather than evaluating each level for correctness. Learn more about evaluating student learning in CS Discoveries and CS Principles.
Light green levels (CS Fundamentals only) () mean that students have completed a level, but that they are using more lines of code to solve the problem than is necessary.
Partially filled in squares () mean the student has not completed all levels in this lesson. Note: You can tap on the lesson square to see which levels students have or haven’t completed within a lesson.
Shapes that are outlined but not filled in () are still being worked on by the student.
Shapes with a red dot () indicate that they need to be reviewed, either by you or by the student (learn more)
Shapes that aren’t filled in () mean the student has not attempted a particular level or lesson yet.
Diamond levels () introduce concepts to students whereas circle levels (
) offer activities for students to practice the concept or demonstrate what they’ve learned.
You can check out the level key at the bottom of the Progress Tab for a quick reminder of what shapes and colors mean what!
Viewing student progress on individual levels
You can easily view your student's code on an individual level: just go to that level and use the teacher panel to select the section and student whose code you want to view (learn more).
You can also leave feedback for students on most programming levels in CS Discoveries and CS Principles (learn more).
How else can I monitor student progress and learning using the teacher dashboard?
The teacher dashboard also collects your students’ Text Responses (CSD and CSP-only), Assessments and Surveys responses (CSD and CSP-only), and Projects and brings them to you all in one place.
Any standalone projects that your students are working on independent of courses will be shown on the Student Projects page. This view makes it easy to review or monitor any projects you may have assigned to your students.
NOTE: Projects that are integrated parts of courses will not appear here; to check those projects, go to that project’s particular lesson or level via the Progress page.
Text Responses (CS Discoveries, CS Principles only)
Text responses are gathered from short answer questions throughout the course. Once a student has answered one of these questions, their response will appear here. You can download all student responses as a CSV, and filter down responses to a particular course, unit, and lesson.
Assessments (CS Discoveries, CS Principles only)
Student responses for lockable assessments are aggregated on the Assessments page. Any survey responses from students in your section will appear under this tab as well.
- Note: Lockable assessments are in CS Principles and CS Discoveries courses today.
- Note: Most surveys are anonymous, which means at least 5 students will need to respond before you can see aggregated, anonymous results for a section.
On this page, you can select a specific section, unit, and assessment or survey to view results for. You can also download a CSV of student responses. You can learn more about administering surveys or assessments here.
Want to learn more about assessing student work?
Check out these resources:
- Assessing student progress and learning in CS Discoveries and CS Principles
- Why do my students’ bubbles turn green in CS Discoveries and CS Principles even if they don’t have the right answers?
- Rubrics in courses
- Can I tell a student they need to keep working on a level?