What can we help you with?


Where can I find Dance Party?
What is the Hour of Code?
Where can I find your Minecraft tutorials?
What happened to the Dance Party song in my project?
Where do I find Hour of Code merchandise and supplies?
How do I participate in the Hour of Code?
Can I split up the Hour of Code over more days?
I'm outside the United States. How can I participate internationally?
Are the songs in Dance Party appropriate for all ages?
How can I require my students to sign in before they work on Hour of Code and CS Fundamentals courses?
Do I need computers for every student?
I don't know anything about coding. Can I still host an Hour of Code event?
Who is behind the Hour of Code?
I want to assign my section an Hour of Code activity, but can't find it in the list of assignable course. What do I do?
How do I assign an Hour of Code activity to my class section?
How can students with disabilities participate in the Hour of Code?
How do I request a song to be added to Dance Party?
How do I report to you that my classroom/school participated in the Hour of Code?
Are there Hour of Code tutorials available in my language?